Saturday, July 21, 2018

How to Adapt My Lessons for 50-Minute Classes (Instead of 90-Minute Blocks)

Making it fun on whatever schedule you're on!

I just received the following question from a teacher regarding modifying my lesson plans to fit schedules other than 90-minute block:

Dear Jalen,

Thanks for the helpful info and answers to my questions!  I will be meeting with our Spanish teacher tomorrow and will be presenting your lesson plans to use in our hybrid homeschool setting. The class will meet 2 X a week for 50 minutes. She may need to adjust what she tries to accomplish.  I really love all the hands-on and interactive activities you have in your lessons. If you could suggest a prioritization of the activities when we don't have 90 minutes, that would be helpful.  We will have 30 class periods (50 min. each) for 1 st semester.

In answer to your question, I ran across your lesson plans on Amazon as I searched for High School Spanish curriculum.



My response:

Hi! Well I'm excited my Amazon pages are getting some hits because I just started selling my stuff on Amazon this summer and I wasn't sure if it would get much reach at first!

Ok, so if you're only meeting twice a week for 50 minutes, I would suggest:

Class 1:

Warm up quiz

Intro new vocab


Grammar or Graphic Organizer/writing activity

Class 2:

Warm up quiz

Read the reading that goes with the skit from Class 1

Grammar or Graphic Organizer/writing activity (whichever one you didn't do in Class 1 above)

Culture activity and/or conversation practice OR...

Sometimes if the mood is right and I have kids who enjoy giving me crazy ideas for a plot, we make up a new/improve skit to practice the vocab one more time, and that can be a blast. :)

I'll be teaching on traditional 55-minute periods this school year and the above plan is what I'll be doing on alternating days. More on my new teaching job soon!

Don't forget to follow me on Amazon to see all my latest releases:

Summer's not over yet, so let's get out there and enjoy it! (Since I changed states and jobs this summer, I report for New Teacher Orientation August 2 >>> :-0 <<< Is anyone else reporting back to work early August? Post a comment below with your start date...I'm curious!)

Announcing My Online, On-Demand Spanish 1 Course!

Click ↑ to go to my new YouTube Channel! It's here! I'm teaching my "Jalen Waltman"  standards-based high school Spanish 1...