Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Spring End-of-Year Classroom To-Do List

Around here, it's time to print out that final End-of-Year Checklist and start wrapping things up before summer (yay!) so I thought I'd share the to-do list I use to leave my classroom well-organized and ready for Fall.

I posted my Start-Up Fall Checklists last August with this post. Some of the things on that list are unnecessary and/or fast and easy "checks" if I take the time, before I leave for summer, to do everything on my Spring End of Year list.

I have a week and a half left with students plus 3 teacher work days left, so now's the time I look at my list and see what I can start plugging away at and marking off when I get moments in my classroom to myself.

Here's my list--feel free to modify as needed to meet your own needs!

Jalen’s End of Year To-Do List Spring 2016

·       Set up gradebook for Final Exams and Final Grades
·       Grade Email Replies (Writing tests) and enter into Mastery Manager
·       Grade Speaking Tests
·       Enter Final grades in IC
·       Post Grades including TAs
·       Print gradebooks and attendance
·       Reorganize/clean out filing cabinets
·       Organize/purge AP files
·       Clean/purge/organize room top to bottom
·       Clean/organize office
·       Clean out folders in email (AP, etc.)
·       Clean desktop files, P drive, and other temp files on laptop
·       Organize/clean out props & visuals
·       Unhook all cords to laptop cart and wrap/tape neatly
·       Unplug/wipe down/open refrigerator
·       Get signatures and check out with main office
·       Celebrate!

Announcing My Online, On-Demand Spanish 1 Course!

Click ↑ to go to my new YouTube Channel! It's here! I'm teaching my "Jalen Waltman"  standards-based high school Spanish 1...